Tracing Scottish ancestors – your family tree journey
Live in Scotland? Or have relatives/ancestors in/from Scotland, then read on to find out how to trace your Scottish roots. This is a great place to start your journey
"If you are starting to compile your family tree the best advice is to work backwards in time. Start with a person whose full name you know, together with identifying details such as place and date of birth, marriage or death. You will usually find tracing a Scottish line of descent back to 1855 fairly straightforward but going beyond 1855 can be more difficult.
This brief guide covers: the main records for tracing Scottish ancestors; where and how you can access them; and our guides and services to aid your family history research.
Research guides
Our research guides cover all areas of the national archive collections.
To access the guide/s. go to: National Records of Scotland
Good luck - Jim and Carol - Family History For All.