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About Page - Family History For All - Original Website
This site is run by Jim & Carol Ackroyd (nee Nolan). We are members of the 'Doncaster & District Family History Society' We have been interested in family history for over 30 years. We also have our own family history sites www.ackroydfamilyresearch.co.uk, www.nolanancestry.com and www.ackroydancestry.co.uk . If we make a recommendation on this site, you can be certain that it will be of benefit to your own research because we don't recommend anything that we haven't used ourselves! All our recommendations are used or have been tried by us in our own research.
An example of this is www.Ancestry.co.uk . At first we were sceptical of sites that you had to pay for. Our thinking on this was that most research facilities are free so why pay to use their services. However we soon realised that the amount of time spent travelling to various research rooms was eating away at our spare time. The cost of fuel for the car was increasing all the time, so we took out a free trial with Ancestry.
Within hours of using www.Ancestry.co.uk we were hooked! The amount of information stored there is unbelievable. We realised that we could save a fortune in fuel costs plus we would save on wear and tear on the car. We use Ancestry on a daily basis and now have an annual subscription which works out at around 1.50 per week We save money but more importantly we now have much more spare time as we can find information in minutes that used to take hours, if not days, to find! Try Ancestry for yourself - You'll be glad you did.
Have you ever wondered about your roots? Where you came from, or who your ancestors were?
Genealogy/Family History Research, is the worlds most popular hobby, after fishing! It is a fascinating hobby, that is also very rewarding. Most of your family will become interested in your new hobby and you will make numerous new friends, especially when you come across a whiff of scandal! But be warned! It is also very addictive and contagious. Remember also, family history is not just an endless search through dusty archives, it can also lead to some amazing revelations.
So if you are searching for your ancestors, tracing your Family tree, Researching relatives, Grandparents or Distant cousins. Family search or whatever you want to call it! You will find the information here, in the best free family history tutorial site on the Internet.
Of course we couldn't possibly fill this site with all the various data and records that you need. The Internet is referred to as the 'World Wide Web' Just like a spider's web, our links cover the whole world to bring you information about the: Census, Archives, Family History Societies, Gedcom files, Parish registers, genealogy, surnames, pedigrees, record offices, research tools, births, deaths, marriages, commonwealth war graves and much more... This site contains lots of information, however our 'Research Links' page is your doorway to to the best Family History/Genealogy information on the Internet.
Jim and Carol Ackroyd - About us:
We have been researching our 'Family Trees' now for many years. We have well over 17.000 names that we have researched so far! My wife Carol, does most of the hard work I'm afraid! But we often go to visit old Churchyards and research rooms together. Some of these are found in beautiful towns or villages. So we make it a day out, often stopping off at a nice country pub for lunch.
We now have many 'distant relatives', around the world, with whom we keep in regular contact, using the Internet's messenger and email services - And now FaceBook, Instagram etc. We also have our own 'Family history sites'. Please take a look. Links above.
This site is an extension of our research in a way, as in trying to help newcomers we also learn new things ourselves from our visitor's feedback! There's always something new to learn.
Sit back and relax: Now, I suggest you make a cup of tea/coffee and sit back and relax. Browse around the site and explore, 'til your heart's content.
If you feel you'd like a bit of help getting started on your family history then Contact Us