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About Us

We are merging our original website 'Family History For All (.co.uk) with our 'Tutorial Website'. In the meantime you can still access the original site here: Family History For All

Tracing your family history...

has become one of the most fascinating hobbies of all time, especially since the advent of wonderful TV programs such as 'Who do You Think You Are'. However, you may ask yourself 'How could I possibly take on such a task because I cannot afford to hire experts from all over the world and the travelling costs would also be prohibitive'!

This is where we can help. By following the information within this website, which is set out as a course for you to follow, step by step, you will learn how it is possible for anyone to trace their family tree.

I cannot promise you that this course will make you an expert overnight but I can assure you that if you read everything within these pages, you will have a head start and you will soon be researching your own family history.

Although researching your family's past can take a lot of effort, you will find it both exciting and exhilarating. This course was initially written for an American audience but it certainly has a world wide appeal! For those of you that live in the UK, you will find a vast resource at Family History For All (.co.uk) which is our original website. Family History For All (.co.uk) is being incorporated within this website, so you will have lots more information in one place!

My wife Carol and I have been researching our family tree for approximately 18 years and have made contact with many distant relatives. This alone can help you with your own research, as these distant relatives are researching the same family! Pooling your research helps both families to extend their reach. Good luck with your own journey into the past and I hope it is as exciting as ours has been.


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